Za zbiranje informacij za izboljšanje naših storitev in za analizo vaših brskalniških navad uporabljamo piškotke in lastne piškotke. Če nadaljujete z brskanjem, to pomeni sprejemanje njihove namestitve. Brskalnik lahko konfigurirate tako, da prepreči njegovo namestitev.

  • -500,00 €

Gewa UP 360 G digital piano - Graded Hammer keyboard "Concert Pianist II", 88 wooden keys, weighted in zones with Ivory Touch surface, 3 pedals, LCD Matrix display (128x64), Sound production based on latest DSP and memory technology, Optimised piano sample for digital sound production based on a Steinway D274 with more than 1 GB memory, Library with more than 30 sounds and 128 additional GM sounds, Key-Off Samples, Simulation of string resonances, 256 note polyphony, Novel USER CALIBRATION TOOL for fine tuning keyboard action, Editable effects in 2 independent effect blocks, 5 reverb effects, 5 modulation effects, 2 Channel recording function, Split / Layer option, 4 hand mode, Learning mode for beginners, Class D amplifier with custom speaker system, MP3 playback via USB stick audio unit, USB record (Midi, WAV), bluetooth Audio & Midi, VISATON speaker system (2x 25W RMS - Full-Range), Connections: MIDI in/out, AUX in / out, 2 headphone connections, USB to host / USB to device, mulit language (german, french, italian, spanish, dutch), Measurements WxHxD in mm: 1434 x 420 x 865, Weight: 55 kg, Made in Germany DOSTAVA KLAVIRJA IN POSTAVITEV STA BREZPLAČNA!!

1.499,00 €
999,00 € Prihranite 500,00 €

Gewa UP 360 G digital piano - Graded Hammer keyboard "Concert Pianist II", 88 wooden keys, weighted in zones with Ivory Touch surface, 3 pedals, LCD Matrix display (128x64), Sound production based on latest DSP and memory technology, Optimised piano sample for digital sound production based on a Steinway D274 with more than 1 GB memory, Library with more than 30 sounds and 128 additional GM sounds, Key-Off Samples, Simulation of string resonances, 256 note polyphony, Novel USER CALIBRATION TOOL for fine tuning keyboard action, Editable effects in 2 independent effect blocks, 5 reverb effects, 5 modulation effects, 2 Channel recording function, Split / Layer option, 4 hand mode, Learning mode for beginners, Class D amplifier with custom speaker system, MP3 playback via USB stick audio unit, USB record (Midi, WAV), bluetooth Audio & Midi, VISATON speaker system (2x 25W RMS - Full-Range), Connections: MIDI in/out, AUX in / out, 2 headphone connections, USB to host / USB to device, mulit language (german, french, italian, spanish, dutch), Measurements WxHxD in mm: 1434 x 420 x 865, Weight: 55 kg, Made in Germany DOSTAVA KLAVIRJA IN POSTAVITEV STA BREZPLAČNA!!