Za zbiranje informacij za izboljšanje naših storitev in za analizo vaših brskalniških navad uporabljamo piškotke in lastne piškotke. Če nadaljujete z brskanjem, to pomeni sprejemanje njihove namestitve. Brskalnik lahko konfigurirate tako, da prepreči njegovo namestitev.

The first 16-hole Chromatic Harmonica with a tonal range of four full octaves and stainless steel reeds

--> The SYMPHONY Grand Chromatic is a professional chromatic harmonica with uniquely-inspired technical developments that sets new standards in terms of sound, airtightness, playability, and reliability.
The high-quality, contemporary ergonomic design guarantees longevity and maximum playing comfort, leaving nothing to be desired.

The SYMPHONY Grand Chromatic comes with aluminium body and trapezoidal-shaped mouthpiece.
It will be shipped with a newly developed heatable case and accessories. For more info refer to the 'Tips'-section!

749,95 €

The first 16-hole Chromatic Harmonica with a tonal range of four full octaves and stainless steel reeds

--> The SYMPHONY Grand Chromatic is a professional chromatic harmonica with uniquely-inspired technical developments that sets new standards in terms of sound, airtightness, playability, and reliability.
The high-quality, contemporary ergonomic design guarantees longevity and maximum playing comfort, leaving nothing to be desired.

The SYMPHONY Grand Chromatic comes with aluminium body and trapezoidal-shaped mouthpiece.
It will be shipped with a newly developed heatable case and accessories. For more info refer to the 'Tips'-section!